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Chinese Community Center of Capital District of New York

Chinese Traditional Art

CCC Traditional Art Classes

Chinese Painting classes 国画

Traditional Chinese painting uses brushes, ink and watercolor on rice paper to create expressive and elegant pictures. Chinese painting has a long history and is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. Among them, literati painting emphasizes comprehensive cultural cultivation, requires poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal carving to be integrated, and advocates that the painter must have character, talent, knowledge, and thought, none of which can be missing. The purpose of literati painters is not to depict nature realistically, but to express themselves with the help of nature and satisfy their souls. 

In each class, Teacher Liu will demonstrate how to use brushes, ink and paint to depict an object, teach basic techniques and composition, and lead and guide students to use these techniques to complete a Chinese painting. Learning Chinese painting can not only inherit cultural arts, but also cultivate one's character, please the mind, improve aesthetic taste, and play a very positive role in enhancing mental health.

Class dates (bi-week): 11/9, 11/23; 12/7, 12/21; 1/11, 1/25; 2/8, 2/22; 3/8,3/ 22
Time: Saturdays 10am-12pm
Location: Chinese Community Center (11 Avis Dr, Latham 12110)


Regular tuition: $30/class for Chinese Society members, $38/class for non-members.

Thanks to the AAPI Community Development Fund provided by the New York State Government, the tuition for this round (November 2024-March 2025) is reduced to:

For students over 11 years old: $18/class for CCC members, $28/class for non-members.
For seniors over 65 years old: $10/class for Chinese Society members, $18/class for non-members.

Tuition needs to be paid monthly expect first try class.

A 5% discount can be obtained if the tuition is paid in full.

Please click here to register
Questions: executive.team@cccalbany.org



学习国画,不仅能传承文化艺术, 也能修身养性,愉悦心智,提高审美情趣,并对增强心理健康有着非常积极的作用。

课程日期 (隔周): 11/9, 11/23; 12/7, 12/21; 1/11, 1/25; 2/8, 2/22; 3/8, 3/22
课程时间: 每周六 10am-12pm

常规学费: 华社会员$30/次, 非会员$38/次。

感谢纽约州政府提供的 AAPI Community Development Fund 亚裔基金,这一轮(2024年11月-2025年3月)的学费降低为:

11岁以上: 华社会员$18/次,非会员$28/次
65岁以上的老年人: 华社会员$10/次,非会员$18/次。



询问: executive.team@cccalbany.org

Calligraphy classes 书法

Calligraphy is a traditional line art based on Chinese words. It has evolved from Oracle and Jinwen to Dazhuan, Xiaozhuan and Lishu, to cursive script, regular script and Xingshu in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei and Jin Dynasty. It has more than 3000 years of a history. It is an art that expresses a certain charisma, character and sentiment of people by lines and ink colors changes and structure of the whole calligraphy. The ancients said that calligraphy is painting of heart. Through calligraphy, we can not only see the "learning", "talent" and "aspiration" of the calligrapher, but also imagine the picture of the calligrapher. Calligraphy works include calligraphy, structure, chapter, brushwork and ink. There are various forms of calligraphy works, including squares, one third page, half page, middle halls, banners, couplets, fans, etc.

Class Open date: Thursday Oct 3rd (bi-week)

Dates: 2024 10/3, 10/17, 10/31, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5,12/19
2025 1/2, 1/16, 2/13, 2/27. 3/13,3/27

Time:  Thursdays 5-7pm
Location:  Chinese Community Center (11 Avis Dr, Latham 12110)


Regular tuition: $25/class for Chinese Society members, $35/class for non-members.

Thanks to the AAPI Community Development Fund provided by the New York State Government, the tuition for this round (November 2024-March 2025) is reduced to: 

For students over 11 years old:  $15/class for CCC members, $25/class for non-members.
For seniors over 65 years old:  $8/class for Chinese Society members, $16/class for non-members.

Tuition needs to be paid monthly expect first try class.

A 5% discount can be obtained if the tuition is paid in full .

Please click here to register

书法是以中国以汉字书体为基础的一种传统的线条的艺术。 它从甲骨文、金文演变而为大篆、小篆、隶书,至定型于东汉、魏、晋的草书、楷书、行书诸体,距今已有三千多年的历史。 它是一种凭借线条及墨色变化和形体结构来表现人的某种气质、品格、情操的艺术。 古人云书为心画,通过书法不仅可以看出书家的“学”、“才”、“志”,而且可以想见书家其人。 书法作品包括字法、结构、章法、笔法、墨法。 书法作品形式多样,有斗方、三开、对幅、中堂、条幅、对联、扇面等。

开课日期:  10月3号 (隔周一次)

上课日期: 2024 10/3, 10/17, 10/31, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5,12/19
2025 1/2, 1/16, 2/13, 2/27. 3/13,3/27

课程时间:  每周四 5-7pm
常规学费:  华社会员$25/次, 非会员$35/次。

感谢纽约州政府提供的 AAPI Community Development Fund 亚裔基金,这一轮(2024年10月-2025年3月)的学费降低为:

13岁以上:  华社会员$15/次,非会员$25/次
65岁以上的老年人:  华社会员$8/次,非会员$16/次




Gu Qin classes 古琴

Gu Qin (7-string zither) was one of the most historical solo instrument dated back 3000 years ago. Endowed with cosmological and metaphysical significance and empowered to communicate the deepest feelings, this zither, beloved of sages and of Confucius, is the most prestigious instrument in China. Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) writers state that the Gu Qin helped to cultivate character, understand morality, supplicate gods and demons, enhance life, and enrich learning.

Class Open date: From December, 2024
Time: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays

Tuition: CCC members $40/class, Non members $45/class.

古琴,原称琴,又称瑶琴、玉琴、五弦琴和七弦琴,是源自于中国的弹拨类乐器,有三千年以上历史,属于八音中的丝。古琴音域宽广,音色深沉,余音悠远。自古“琴”为其特指,于1920年代起为了与钢琴区别而改称古琴, 舜初定为五弦,后周文王增一琴弦,武王伐纣增为七弦。琴是中国古代文化地位最崇高的乐器,有“士无故不撤琴瑟”和“左琴右书”之说。“琴棋书画”四艺之首,被文人视为高雅的代表,亦为文人吟唱时的伴奏乐器,自古以来一直是许多文人必备的知识和必修的科目。


课程日期: 从2024年12月开始
课程时间: 每周五,周六,周日

学费: 华社会员$40/次, 非会员$45/次。


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