Chinese Community Center of Capital District of New York |
Chinese Community Center Peking Opera Academy |
2024 CCC Peking Opera Academy
Peking Opera as a unique form of art was established over 230 years ago by Emperor Qianlong and has been cherished in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong ever since. The performances fell into two main categories – “wen”, or civil theater, which focused on love, marriage and other civilian concerns, and “wu", or military theater, which revolved around the theme of war and was known for featuring thrilling acrobatic feats. CCC Peking Opera Academy was established in March 2023. Since then the group has been featured by various TV stations and The Times Union, also performed in the Egg, Performing Art Center UAlbany, multiple libraries events and school assemblies. Currently there are more than 20 students aged between 5-65 years old, focused on different area and Peking Opera characters. Teacher Linghui Tu has won the 4th Plum Blossom Award and the 1st Wenhua Performance Award in China. She has studied and performed Chinese opera for 50 years in various countries. Tu has also directed Chinese operas, among which two have been awarded top Performance Awards. She is a teacher in the Center for Theater Arts Collaboration at Binghamton University and participated on tours and other cultural activities. Teacher Liying Ye, Award winning Chinese Opera performer, council member of the China Fujian Southern Chinese Opera Troupe. professional physical body shaping trainer: ” the relationship between inner strength and body training/body shaping/makeup.” She is in charge of Body shaping, Posture and Movement class. Peking Opera Academy Exciting Videos: 2024 Peking Opera Academy Video: 2023 TV Station Interview: Click Here For Peking Opera Academy Students Registration Information Peking Opera Clips for Your Enjoyment: Appreciation of Sleeve Techniques: Laosheng Peking Opera actor performs the popular song "Lovers in the Mountains": Singer Yu Kewei performs "Selling Water" in Peking Opera style: Laosheng Wang Peiyu and the Children's Peking Opera Class in a medley titled "Three Kingdoms Performance": Actor Wang Yibo learns Peking Opera's Zhao Zilong: 1790年徽班进京为乾隆皇帝庆生正式诞生京剧,之后的慈禧太后更是推动京剧发扬光大的主力。京剧在大陆,台湾,香港都备受推崇。京剧讲究“唱念做打”,“生末净丑”各个类别各有门派,文戏旦角温婉柔媚,生派抑扬顿挫,净派爽朗豪放,武戏热闹灵动.
华社京剧学校主讲教师 :涂玲慧老师,中国戏曲学院教授,研究生导师;国家一级演员、导演;中国戏剧最高奖文华奖、梅花获得者;宾汉顿大学教授;曾导演多部获奖戏剧作品如”麒麟夺锦“,“牡丹亭” 。涂老师T教授-声乐课,青衣课,京剧角色课,儿童京剧基础课。 华社京剧学校教师 II: 叶子老师 (叶丽英),中央戏剧学校毕业,福建戏曲协会理事,专业塑身教练。叶子老师负责教授-身段/戏曲修身课。 华社京剧学校现有学生20余人,年龄5岁到65岁。分别学习下面的各个科目。学生经过一年的学习已经多次登台演出。京剧学校演出是各大媒体关注的焦点,已经多次由Times Union, Channel 10, Channel 13 报道。 京剧学校精彩视频: 2024京剧学校视频: 2023京剧中期演出视频: 2023 电视台采访: 请点击这里华社京剧学校报名详情 京剧片段欣赏: 水袖欣赏: 老生京剧演员演绎流行歌曲“游山恋”: 歌手郁可唯演绎京剧 “卖水”: 老生王佩瑜和少儿京剧班串烧 “三国演艺”: 演员王一博学习京剧赵子龙: |