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Chinese Community Center of Capital District of New York


CCC Building Renovation Fundraising Campaign

The Chinese Community Center (CCC) was founded in 1973 and serves over 10,000 Chinese Americans in the Capital Region. Since its grand opening in 2006, generations of Chinese, Chinese Americans and non Chinese who are interested in Chinese language and culture have been celebrating and bonding in the current building located on 11 Avis Dr, Latham.

Post pandemic, CCC has evolved into one of the major multi-culture ambassadors in the Capital Region.  During 2024 Lunar New Year, CCC performed 10 Lunar New Year and multi-culture events during the 2 months of the festival period, including 3 libraries ( Colonie, Guilderland, Clifton Park), 3 elementary school (Forts Ferry, Boght Hill, Woodland Hill Montessori), and 2 high schools (Albany High, Schenectady High) along with a Lunar New Year Art Exhibition.

In addition to its Sunday Chines School, CCC also operates 10 on going weekly activities and clubs:  3 dance clubs including (Folk dance, Square dance, Tai Chi Fa), Math club for grade K-10, Calligraphy class, Ping Pong Club, Body sculpture club, CCC choirs and CCC Peking Opera Academy. We also work closely with other local organizations including Festival of Nations, ICCR, Capital District Chamber of Commerce and APAPA. CCC received “Global Citizenship” award from ICCR in 2023.

CCC also celebrates most of the traditional Chinese holidays such as Lantern festival, Dragon Boat festival and Moon Cake Festival. Our Lunar New Year Show in the Egg was a sold out show and 45% of attendees were non Chinese. A CCC Year Of the Dragon Show 1 min recap can be seen at this link: https://youtu.be/lfqGCb0cjBg

With its growing number of members and its ongoing activities and events, CCC needs to conduct a major building renovation, so that we can better utilize the space for our growing needs that serve the thousands of people who participate in  CCC activities and events in our building every year.  The estimate to this project cost round up to $100,000. Our plan is to raise funds this year and complete the renovation project from June to August next summer.

Plan for Building renovation include:

    Remove four weight bearing columns and change them to iron beam

    Move Executive Office to the back corner, combine the current office space with the  Hall space

    Change current ceiling/pipes/lighting design, raise ceiling up.

    Add a storage room, remove the half walls in children s area

    install lighting for art exhibition and performances.

CCC plans to apply for government funding at all levels. At the same time, CCC calls on all people to donate to the renovation project. Donation at any amount will be appreciated. Individuals, or couples who jointly donate $500 or more can be listed on the CCC’s donation wall forever.

Company match donations are welcome too.

Ways to support CCC Capital Campaign:

Visit silent auction:



On line https://www.cccalbany.org/donate


Mail check payable to CCC

Join CCC membership: https://www.cccalbany.org/join-us enjoy free clubs, discounted event tickets, 10% discount for up to 20 asian restaurants and stores.

CCC is a home for everyone who is interested in Chinese Culture and Language. Please join us, contribute to CCC Building Renovation project, and CCC will be your home!


CCC team



华社,即华人社区,为在美华人服务的非盈利机构。是华人们能够用自己的语言,自己的文化来团聚的地方. 华社在本地区51年,2006 年正式搬入本会址。18年来,一代一代的华人在此会址团聚并庆祝着自己的文化。

华社在新冠之后人气快速激增,新增各种常年运行的俱乐部包括:民族舞,广场舞,太极扇数学俱乐部形体训练班,乒乓球俱乐部,书法班麻将俱乐部 ,茶艺俱乐部,合唱团,少女打鼓队青年交响乐团。加上正在壮大的京剧学校,新成立的退休俱乐部等, 一片繁荣景象。华社的龙年春晚在Egg票全部售完,参加的人有45%是非华裔,影响深远。请看视频回放:https://youtu.be/lfqGCb0cjBg


为了更好的为大家服务,华社启动翻修工程,计划去掉大厅的四根承重柱子,木梁改换钢梁;将大厅的会长办公室移到后面的角落,给大厅腾出空间;尽量提升目前的吊顶; 去掉儿童区的半隔断;更换顶灯用来展示艺术品和演出。工程总花费预计为$100,000. 计划是今年筹款,明年夏天6-8月份完成翻修工程。


个人或夫妻共同捐款$500和以上即可上华社捐赠墙名单,永远留在华社的墙面上。也欢迎各位积极申请公司Match Donation.

捐款请点击: https://www.cccalbany.org/donate


请加入华社会员,享受各种免费服务,春晚票打折,享受20家餐厅零售提供的九折。详情请看: https://www.cccalbany.org/join-us





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