The board meeting took place on Thursday 28th June 2018 at CCC. The meeting started with outstanding items from the previous meeting that needed to be updated or discussed further. Ex-CCC president Dayu Huang reported events held recently and some items concerning the CCC finance. Xufeng Sun, the Chinese School Council Chair, motioned to approve the “School Investment Policy”, which had been deliberated in the last two board meetings. The School Investment Policy aims to invest some school fund in a conservative and balanced allocation to keep up inflation in the next seven years. The investment policy was unanimously approved. Building Manager Mary Chen of FDMC reported building revenue and expenses. Controller Zhengyu Pang gave some suggestions to CCC accounts as well as the “CCC Investment Policy” and went over major issues we had encountered during the past year and would discuss them with newly elected treasurer Le Zhang to avoid potential issues in the future. After that, Lee-Hua Miaw motioned to vote on CCC Distinguished Service Award candidates Dayu Huang and Xufeng Sun. Both candidates were approved.
The meeting also finished the handover ceremony of the ex- and the new President and board members at CCC. Our new CCC President is Yan Wang. New board members are Lee-Hua Miaw, Zhengyu Pang, Jian Xu, Wang Zheng, Haiting Wang, Dan Wu, Li Zhang, Daisy Lin, Yang Wang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Ling Bi, Xiaolan Rong, Le Zhang, Yue Lei, Yimeng Yin ( as an Executive Team staff), Xufeng Sun, Jie Wang, Peng Chen, Luna Zhang, Dawei Liu, Zhanpan Zhang, Mary Chen and Pengbo Sun (as a FDMC staff). The Ex-CCC president Dayu Huang officially handed over the Seal of CCC to the new CCC president Yan Wang. Yan and her new executive team members gave brief self-introduction and were welcomed by all attendees. The 2018-2019 board members also elected Lee-hua Miaw as the board chair and Zhengyu Pang as the vice board chair for the current term which starts on July 1st, 2018.
At the end of the meeting, we formed executive committee, education committee, FDMC, finance committee, audit committee, Bylaws amendment/revision committee, nomination committee and fundraising committee. Finally, Yue Lei was appointed as the CCC Database Director to be in charge of CCC database.
The meeting officially ended at a very positive note.
