Location: 1 Camp Nassau Lane Pr. Slingerlands, NY 12159
Date: August 18, 2018
Time: 12:30 pm – 5:30 pm
The highly anticipated event this summer has been the CCC annual picnic at the YMCA Adventure Camp, which was held on August 18, with over 300 people in attendance. The annual picnic is an event for members and non-members alike to meet new friends, to catch up with old friends, to be together to enjoy a wonderful day in fresh outdoor air, or just a chance to get some exercise, or perhaps even to gain professional networking opportunities.
The weather forecast had not been good the night before, and there were several heavy showers in the early morning. However by 10: 30, bracing the constant drizzles, all the passionate, hard working, and high spirited volunteers had arrived and started getting ready for the event. As a final touch, miraculously the rain started to die down around 11:45 and gradually a nice clear sky appeared and a gentle wind started to permeate the beautiful camp.
The lunch staff led by Sanglee Wong had ordered enough food with varieties to satisfy everyone’s discerning palate. The local Chinese restaurant the Pebbles even set up a small cookery on site to offer free street foods such as fried banana! Before the delicious lunch was served the YMCA staff welcomed us. This year is the second year CCC held the annual picnic at the YMCA facility and both parties were grateful for the successful cooperation so far. The event reached the climax with the raffle drawing. There were 33 lucky winners for magnificent raffle prizes offered by supporting local merchants, including many gift cards valued more than $100! It is worth mention that several local merchants and nonprofit institutions set up booths as a way of supporting this event. All together they donated $4000 towards the 2018 CCC picnic. Kudos is due to the picnic fundraising team led by Xiaoqing Zhang and Yue Lei.
The new CCC President Yan Wang took the opportunity to introduce her team members, volunteers and the Board Chair Lee-Hua Miaw. A ceremony was also held for the three 2018 Outstanding Service Awards recipients- Dayu Huang, Shaopeng Liu and Xufeng Sun, many Outstanding Service Award recipients and many Service Award recipients. Last but not the least; Congressman Paul Tonko made a brief remark to update the issues facing the congress and issues of concern to the immigrant communities.
After the lunch and the official programs, happy adults and lively young children scattered away to various sports courts and activities and laughter filled the entire camp site. The YMCA Adventure Camp is a vast facility with abundance of greenery. It is equipped with athletic fields, basket courts, tennis courts, beach volleyball, ga-ga ball pit, playground, bounce house, rock wall, zip-line, swimming pool, paddle boats and archery range, with the play area, archery range, beach volleyball, ga-ga ball, bounce horse, rock wall and tennis courts being CCC families’ favorites. In a nutshell the Camp is a facility for all ages. To be even more inclusive our Executive Team added the Zumba Dance and a professional photo booth to take free headshots and family pictures. A team of professional photographers and videographers documented the entire event.
The picnic camp ended at 5:30 and together we had a memorable, exciting and fun time spent with families, friends and new acquaintances. All of us look forward to being a part of the 2019 CCC picnic again, and we invite you to join us in 2019 if we missed you this year.