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Chinese Community Center of Capital District of New York


  • 29 Dec 2015 7:34 PM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)

    2016 纽约首府华人 猴年春节联欢晚会 
    时间:Feb 6th, 2016 Saturday 2:30 pm
    地点:the Egg Theatre, Albany, NY
    联合主办:纽约首府华社 CCC, SUNY Albany 孔子学院,Union College 学生联欢会,SUNY 学生联合会,RPI 学生联合会


    • 春晚普通票价$15-$20,请参考座位图选票购买并于当天携带电子票。

      您也可以到售票点(中文学校,以及各个公司的联系人) 购买。

    • 华社会员有$5的折扣,注册时请填写会员英文名字,联系方式,并付全价。在现场领票时,我们会根据会员名单退款5元。


    • 学生票为半价,请联系Union College, SUNY或者RPI学生会,或者CCC president cccpresident73@gmail.com 购买。


    Sat, 02/06/2016 - 2:30pm


    Egg Theater

    Chinese Community Center

  • 28 Dec 2015 9:41 PM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)

    时间:12-3 pm Jan 9th Saturday 
    地点:华社 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

    华社提供场地和桌椅,请带食物来的朋友们自带餐具(如需加热,请自备加热装置)。带食物的朋友可以选择potluck形式 (免费分享)或售卖形式,为了方便大家购买食物,便于统计和管理,华社志愿者会在现场统一出售饭票 (食堂模式), 大家凭票换小份食品,卖票收入会在活动结束后返还给辛苦做饭的卖家们。现场会有三位评委打分,综合评委打分和饭票数量,我们会评选出面食点心类,热菜类,冷菜类的一二等奖,奖品丰富,机会难得,请大家踊跃报名,报名链接如下:

    如有问题请联系: cccpresident73@gmail.com



    Mon, 12/28/2015 - 8:40pm


    CCC Building

    Chinese Community Center

  • 07 Dec 2015 7:39 PM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)

    Dear families,


    Hope you all had a successful fall term. Time flies by. Now we are planning our winter term for 2016!

    Our new courses are elementary math class, ELA class and Chinese class.

    The math class is for grade 3-5 students. As many of you may know, New York State adopted Common Core Standards for Math and ELA which are much more challenging than the previous curriculum. Many school districts track the test results as a measurement starting from 3rd grade to place students in accelerated or honor courses when they are older. So it is very important for your child to achieve a higher score. Our math class aims to help your child to prepare for this state exam in early April 2016. 

    Our Elementary English Writing class holds the same goal to prepare students for Common Core Exam.

    As usual, our program also includes drawing and Chinese painting class and SAT preparation class.

    Based on some parents request, we will open a Chinese class. 

    Our enrichment program will begin on Saturday, January 16th in CCC building at 11 Avis Dr in Latham. We have a team of highly qualified professionals.

    Attached here you will find all the information about course descriptions, instructors' profiles, and registration form. Classes fill up fast, so click the following buttons to sign up your child now. 


    We are doing a survey about our programs. It only takes you 5-10 minutes. Please follow the link to complete the survey. Your cooperation will be appreciated. 

    To receive messages via text, text @cccalbany to 81010. You can opt out of messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe @cccalbany'.


    Hua Lin

    Director of CCC Enrichment Program




          数学班是针对3-5年级的学生。相信大家都了解纽约州已经启用COMMON CORE这一美国教育部颁发的国家标准。实行这一标准后,纽约州的统一考试比从前难度增加了很多,而很多学区都是采用州统考结果来对高年级学生进行分班,并常常将小学的统考成绩作为参考。因此,请大家务必重视此考试。我们新设的小学3-5年级数学班正是为此作准备。

          同样,小学英语写作班也是为COMMON CORE 的ELA 考试作准备的。












       林 桦


    Mon, 12/07/2015 - 7:37pm

    Chinese Community Center

    2016 Winter Course Information.pdf

    Registration Form_ 2016winter.pdf

  • 03 Dec 2015 9:28 AM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)

    CCC Seminar: Insurance

    Speaker: Xiaoqing Zhang

    Address: 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

    Date and time: 12/5/2015 2-4 pm

    恐怖袭击甚嚣尘上, 如何用保险来保护自己和家人? 在单位里买的人寿保险要比自己个人买的便宜吗?带着这些问题,我们请来华社优秀志愿者,资深保险经纪张晓清, 给大家讲解各种形式的保险, 条款及购买保险的注意事项, 并当场回答各位提出的问题。 参加讲座的每人可领取2016年精美大本年历一本, 数量限定在前一百名。

    CCC Executive Team


    Thu, 12/03/2015 - 9:26pm

    Chinese Community Center

  • 29 Oct 2015 8:22 AM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)

    您常回国探亲访友吗? 您想换工作吗? 你听说过天普大学郗小星教授吗? 您听说过联邦政府的水文专家陈霞芬吗? 近期旅美华人科学家,工程师和政府雇员日益成为涉及国家安全,知识产权盗窃和商业间谍起诉的重点。如果您关心这些每一个华人身上都可能发生的事,请务必拨冗参加这个可能是你在美工作学习的一生中最有收获的讲座。
    80-20教育基金会和纽约首府华社特邀李文和案件辩护律师,华裔百人会会员孙自华先生(Brian Sun) 与大家探讨复杂的美国法律背景。分享美国法律上对国家安全,知产权偷窃,出口管制及电脑犯罪四大项中的民事刑事责任及处罚。并阐述这些法律对我们华人的风险及可能的racial profiling, 以及受当前的中美宏观关系的影响。

    SPEAKER: Brian Sun
    Brian Sun has earned a national reputation as a distinguished trial lawyer specializing in complex business litigation and white collar criminal defense. Brian is a former Assistant United States Attorney for the Central District of California and has represented a number of high profile clients including Dr. Wen Ho Lee. Brian is a member of the Committee of 100, a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, and a former president of the Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association (“SCCLA”), the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (“NAPABA), and the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank. Brian was recognized by Lawdragon magazine as one of America’s 500 top attorneys. Brian has been honored by SCCLA with its Lifetime Achievement Award for his dedication to the Asian Pacific American community. He has also received NAPABA’s Trailblazer Award. Brian obtained his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Southern California。
    地点:华社(11 AVIS DR, LATHAM,NY 12110)
    日程:5 - 6:30 PM:社交和简单晚餐, 6:30 - 8:30 PM:演讲和讨论 
    主办:80-20 教育基金,华社和YPC
    预注册 (11/10前缴费):华社会员和80-20会员:$10. 其余:$15.
    晚注册(11/10后缴费): $20
    GE Energy: 顾颖中,蒋洁,王瑜
    NY State: 丁志梅,唐建中
    RPI: 岳建玲
    SUNY: 黄友琴
    Global Foundry: 范树海
    Small business: 谢真


    Sun, 11/15/2015 - 5:00pm to 8:30pm


    CCC Building, 11 Avis Dr, Latham NY 12110

    Chinese Community Center

    2015_10_25_brian_announcement_final (1).pdf

  • 21 Oct 2015 9:34 PM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)

    Dear friends,
      Do you want to network and find like-minded people? Are you new to the Capital District and looking for new friends? Do you want to make connections outside of your daily social circles but not sure where to start?
      The first Young Professional Club "SPEED MEET" networking event is for you! It will be held at 7:30-9pm on Thurday, Oc 22, 2015 in the CCC Building. The event is open to all, but the first 20 registered attendees will have two minutes each to introduce themselves or present anything they like to. All attendees will have the opportunity to look for connections, e.g., finding people with similar interests, having a start-up idea and looking for partners, looking for a job or internship opportunity, or simply wanting to introduce himsel/herself and make new friends. If something "clicks", more in-depth discussion can follow in the second half of the networking event and beyond. Snacks and soft drinks will be served. 

    Young Professional Club


    Thu, 10/22/2015 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm


    CCC Building, 11 Avis Dr, Latham NY

    Young Professional Club

  • 13 Oct 2015 7:47 PM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)



      受孔子学院总部派遣,南京师范学院艺术团将于本月19日( 下周一)来Albany 孔子学院演出。这个团具有非常高的专业水准,节目以歌舞、 器乐为主,值得欣赏。节目单附后。


    1. 时间:本月19日(下周一),晚6点至8点

    2. 地点:Ball Room, Campus Center, UA

    3. 免费欣赏




      孔子学院 曹德骏


    Mon, 10/19/2015 - 6:00pm


    Ball Room, Campus Center, SUNY-Albany


  • 04 Sep 2015 11:17 PM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)

    CCC Moon Festival Celebration 中秋联欢会

    Time:        5-8 PM on 9/26 (Saturday)

    Place:       CCC building (11 Avis Dr, Latham NY 12110)

    Programs: Potluck, Riddles and CCC/YPC Karaoke contest (Big Prize awaits)

    Cost:         $5.  Free if you are CCC member and registered

    Please register in advance: http://goo.gl/uHPfvb
    欢迎大家踊跃报名参加卡拉OK比赛 (华社好声音),名额有限 (12位),报满为止。
    报名请联系:李炳麟    cccpresident73@gmail.com
    Please bring your favorite dish to share.
    It is a great opportunity to renew your CCC membership or to apply for membership.
    CCC Executive Team


    Sat, 09/26/2015 - 5:00pm

    Chinese Community Center


  • 30 Aug 2015 9:55 PM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)

    Dear families,

    Hope you all had a wonderful summer. Welcome back to a new school year!

    CCC Enrichment program will begin on Saturday, September 26th in CCC building at 11 Avis Dr in Latham. We have a team of highly qualified professionals offering art, Chinese  painting, SAT preparation and elementary English writing courses to meet your children's various interests and learning needs. Attached here you will find all the information about course descriptions, instructors' profiles, and registration form. Classes fill up fast, so click the following buttons to sign up your child now. 

    We are doing a survey about our programs. It only takes you 5-10 minutes. Please follow the link to complete the survey. Your cooperation will be appreciated. 
    To receive messages via text, text @cccalbany to 81010. You can optout of messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe @cccalbany'.
    Registration Form 
    Course Information 

    Hua Lin
    Director of CCC Enrichment Program


    希望大家都度过了一个丰富多彩的暑假。 华社文化班也将在九月二 十六日开课。我们拥有一个高质量的专业老师团队。 课程包括美术班,国画班,美国大学入学考试复习班, 及小学生英语写作班。详情请看附件,包括课程安排, 老师简历和注册表。


    Registration Form 课程注册表
    Course Information 课程介绍


    为了使文化班课程更加富有特色,特设了一个调查表, 希望大家极积参加。

    https://www.surveymonkey.com/ r/DDT67JF


    林 桦


    Mon, 09/28/2015 - 9:44am to Wed, 09/30/2015 - 9:44am


    11 Avis Drive

    Chinese Community Center

    Registration Form_Fall 2015.pdf

    2015 Fall Course Information.pdf

  • 17 Aug 2015 10:41 PM | CCC Albany Web Admin (Administrator)

    亲爱的华社会员们 朋友们
    华社有幸请到中芯国际的高管们来Albany 举行一场关于集成电路产业发展的讲座,
    日程如下: Aug 29
     10:00 ~ 11:00am 谈中国集成电路产业发展的天时和地利   李智 Jason Li       执行副总裁
     11:00 ~ 12:00pm 集成电路新技术研发之路                           俞少峰 Scott Yu           副总裁
    地点: 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110
    欢迎所有对集成电路,半导体芯片 有兴趣的朋友来参加讲座




    Mon, 08/17/2015 - 10:32pm

    邀请函 - 奥尔巴尼.pdf

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